Hypothyroid Resources For Parents & More

Raising a kid with a thyroid condition is no walk in the park. Being a kid with a thyroid condition is no walk in the park. But information is your ally. Educate yourself and you’ll find yourself stronger and more able to cope with every day.

Raising a kid with a thyroid condition is no walk in the park. Being a kid with a thyroid condition is no walk in the park. But information is your ally. Educate yourself and you’ll find yourself stronger and more able to cope with every day.


As a parent of a child with Congenital Hypothyroidism, I have found it so hard to find accurate and helpful information about so many symptoms and challenges my child has experienced. I’ve had to learn the hard way what was and wasn’t related to the thyroid and I’ve been frustrated and felt stymied by the lack of medical information given to parents by traditional American endocrinologists and pediatricians.

Thankfully there are a lot of great patients, doctors and advocates working to change this. Here I share some of the amazing and enlightening resources I’ve found—and I’m putting them all here so that if you’re a new parent or even an adult newly diagnosed—you won’t have to look so hard and so long to find more answers. I give a great shout out of gratitude to those who have gone before me!

What’s the connection between your thyroid and depression? Chances are they’re closely linked.

Click for a great article that explains the why and offers some solutions.

More to come….Stay tuned!